Board of Directors

Greg Bandy
Mr. Bandy has over 20 years’ experience in retail, corporate and capital markets, both in Australia and overseas. Mr. Bandy worked as a Senior Client Advisor at Montagu Stockbrokers and Patersons Securities for over 10 years before moving to the corporate sector. Mr. Bandy has served as an Executive Director for numerous ASX-listed companies, most recently overseeing Red Emperor Resources’ acquisition of the Panton PGM Project and its transformation to Future Metals NL.

Keith Coughlan
Keith has over 30 years’ experience in stockbroking and funds management and has been integrally involved in the funding and promoting of resource companies listed on the ASX, AIM and TSX. Mr Coughlan has previously held board roles with Calidus Resources Limited, and Doriemus plc. Mr Coughlan is currently the Executive Chairman of European Metals (ASX/AIM: EMH) and previous Non-Executive Chairman of Talga Resources Limited.

Jamie Byrde
Mr Byrde has over 18 years’ experience in corporate advisory, public and private company management since commencing his career with Big four and mid-tier Chartered Accounting Firms positions. Mr Byrde is a Chartered Accountant and has a Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance and Risk Management. He specialises in Financial Management, ASX and ASIC compliance and Corporate Governance of mineral and resource focused public companies. Mr Byrde is also currently Company Secretary for Blackstone Minerals Limited and Venture Minerals Limited.